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Gilbert Bielschmidt

🍺First fell in love in 06/04/2019 
🍺big comfort character im quite unsure if I would share him. I'm still at questioning phase.... I don't seem to ship him as much in other hetalia ships sooo oops ^^;
🍺he... as he himself says it: he's awesome
🍺 wise
🍺 a dork.... adorkable
🍺 tag name of sharing pics is; 🍺gilbert beilschmidt👑
🍺 ship tag: 🍺krefelder🍷

Tordsen Lark

🔫decided to change name so it wont resemble the creator at all? 
🔫3 aus so far
🔫had fallen for him since 2015 - 2017, but tried getting over him but couldn't stop in 2018 - 2019 so i started again 2019-2020 😭 so in total i grew with  him lovestuck for 5 years- 

🔫 tag name of sharing pics is; 🔫Tordsen Lark🛫
🔫 ship tag ; 🍰Custard🍽

Eddie Munson

🎸First met, and fell in love in 06/19/2022
🎸cannot share actually- 
🎸he gives so much Gilbert energy holy shit I think hes the same person
🎸i didnt think i'd be hopelessly in love with him, and somehow he made me feel like how I felt with Gilbert the first I fell for him
🎸again adorkable
🎸tag name: 🎸Eddie Munson💀
🎸ship tag: 🎸eddcos⛓


🕷fell in love in first sight 09/11/2022
🕷 tried not to f/o but I realized he was similar to Gilbert and when i played the game I was helpless-
🕷 slowly debating to f/o in 1/17/2023 and after a few days I f/oed him
🕷 will be selective sharing, i am okay w/ it when it comes for friends only, otherwise as well do not be a jerk about it-
🕷basically a gangster vers Gilbert- 

🕷Tag name: 💀yall are stupid🤍

🕷 Ship tag: 🤍Stardollar💮


Artist: Mortis Ghost, concept art

Atsuhiro Sako

💸an another dork- except a merchant
💸started falling in love in june/july 2020
💸has been a comfort also-
💸3 aus so far along with selfshipping with him :00
💸im okay sharing the  gush with him :0 will definitely send you pics uwu i guess i might be okay with sharing aus n stufff 🤔🤔🤔 just tryin to figure if im okay sharing f/o or not im kinda testing myself rip

💸 tag name of sharing pics is; 🗡zacharie💸
💸 ship tag; 💘douce gloire🎭
🎭fallen for him during the moments ive been reading the manga-
🎭 funny story - he was mentioned in the f/o match up and thats where i got so curious that i ended up reading the manga- i never thought to get into it. but.... now i did and knew abt a few spoilers rip (bc it was that i didnt needed to look but now getting into it- it all makes sense-
🎭 he seems like the type who would playfully banter like Gilbert-
🎭 except again he is wise and he can run off after stealing
🎭 tag name: 🎭Atsuhiro Sako🎩

🎭 ship tag: 🎭eclipse🌆

My main fictional faves

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